Learning by doing – Targeted capacity building of VET partnerships in the Danube Region for the effective modernization of VET systems


Interreg – Danube Transnational Program

Start date: 01.01.2017
End date: 30.06.2019

Budget :  2.358.967,80 EUR


Trgovinska i industrijska komora Budimpešte, Mađarska
Državni ured za strukovno obrazovanje i osposobljavanje i obrazovanje odraslih, Mađarska
Regionalna gospodarska komora Brna, Češka
Gospodarska komora Slovenije, Slovenija
Institut Republike Slovenije za strukovno obrazovanje i osposobljavanje, Slovenija
Gospodarska komora Vratse, Bugarska
Ministarstvo obrazovanja i znanosti – Područni ured za obrazovanje, Bugarska
Nacionalni centar za razvoj strukovnog obrazovanja i osposobljavanja, Rumunjska
Regionalna gospodarska komora Bratislave, Slovačka
Gospodarska komora Hunedoare, Rumunjska
Gospodarska komora Srbije, Srbija
Institut za unaprjeđenje obrazovanja, Srbija
Gospodarska komora Kantona Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina
Ministarstvo za obrazovanje, znanost i mlade Kantona Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina
Hrvatska gospodarska komora Županijska komora Varaždin, Hrvatska

Opis projekta

The economic crisis has left a labour market in the Danube countries with serious structural problems and unemployment, with secondary vocational education systems not meeting the employers` needs even more emphasizing the differences between the supply of skilled labour and the labour market.

The project, which role is to connect educational institutions and the entrepreneurial community, aims to improve the capacity of VET stakeholders and influence the development of transferable education and training programs, address labour shortages, help labour mobility, respond promptly to economic change and ultimately strengthen domicile economies. Target groups are public authority, educational and training centres, VET schools, SMEs, business support organisations.