The kick off conference of the project SMART CIRCUIT brought together on 26th April 2023 in the Krakow Technology Park all 12 project partners from nine Central European countries to exchange information on specific project tasks and planned activities that will result in a coherent and connected network of DIHs. Over the next three years, through three structured work packages, the partners will increase the capacities of stakeholders, implement innovative pilot projects and promote best practices that enable a faster transition of regional eco-systems to a circular and digital economy.
Croatian Chamber of Economy – Varaždin (CCE Varaždin) as a Croatian partner will implement project activities in Varaždin County with a focus on activities that improve the capacities of stakeholders by strengthening the transnational innovation network of DIHs regarding circular economy. First of all, this refers to the implementation of 12 regional and transnational panels, the so-called of STRATLABs that will result in recommendations for policy makers and enable a better understanding within the Central European cicrcular economy value chains. At the final conference of the project, CCE Varaždin will present the results and key successful transfers of good practices, as well as recommendations for bridging the gap between Central European regions in the implementation of the circular economy principles.
Associated partners, the Nikola Tesla Innovation Center – ICENT as a technical panelist and the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering Varaždin as a member of the Strategic Board will help the CCE Varaždin with their professional capacities in strengthening the use of project results.
Second day of the event, organized by the Krakow Technology Park, a conference “Green transformation – from vision to action” was held, where the EC’s action plan and a number of practices from industry and universities were presented with an emphasis on design for industry and technologies for improving “circular” production and the use of hydrogen as an energy alternative.
The project is co-financed from the Interreg Central Europe program, and you can find out more on the project website